Category Archives: Human Body

A True Book – The Digestive System – Fill in the Blank Outline

The Digestive System Note Outline (FITB)

Random, I know.

The Middles (ranging from 2nd grade to 5th grade) are studying the human body together.  I still have a small set of books I bought way back when Daughter Number 1 was little that we didn’t use (cuz I was so busy with the Middles who were then the Littles).  It’s the True Book set, and right now we’re covering The Digestive System by Darlene R. Still.  This book is only 47 pages with large text and amazing color photographs, but there’s a lot of information packed between the covers.  I can easily read this to my children in one setting, and each of my Middles can also read it for themselves.  The True Books are a well-known series, and although our local library’s children’s section is small, they have this excellent series and so may yours.

I’m trying to prepare my children for the day they will have to take notes from one speaker or another, be it a co-op class, a college class or even a workshop or fieldtrip.  I found the note taking process I learned in public school to be an excellent way to document and review what I learned in a lecture or from a book, and I want to pass that on to my kiddos.  Today I still use this process when I am working my way through technical (and in this season of my life if it’s not a novel and it’s written for adults, that’s technical) books, workshops, and sermons, and it helps to keep me focused and able to piece together what I have heard.

Hence I have put together a 1-1/2 page fill-in-the-blank outline for my kiddos to fill out as I read them The Digestive System.  The plan is to introduce them to the note taking process this way, and then over time withdraw more and more of the text as they learn to figure out what is noteworthy themselves.  For those of you with children with special needs, this is a structured way to help them claim for themselves some of what they may be learning.

Click the link at the top of the page to bring up the free printable PDF fill-in-the-blank outline.

Happy Schooling!