Tag Archives: free app giveaway

Hungry Guppy App Giveaway

(It is not my intention (unless y’all ask for it) to do app giveaways so frequently, as we just finished one up this week.  This just happened to fall in my lap, and as the developer has told me it is time sensitive, I wanted to get it out to you guys asap.)

Do you remember a couple months ago when I reviewed Hungry Guppy by Motion Math Apps?  You can see my review here.

Well, they’ve released to me two more redemption codes.  We all know what’s mine is yours, so they’re yours for the taking.

Hungry Guppy is a counting and math iPad or iPhone app using dots and numerals in a game setting to teach values up to five and early addition concepts.  Your 3- to 7-year-olds and older children with special needs will quickly catch on to this fun math game.

These redemption codes are time sensitive and have to be redeemed in the next week (once redeemed, the app is yours forever), sooo. . . . . .

I’m pulling out all the stops and making this a 24-hour giveaway.  That means you have until 9:30  Friday, October 19, 2012 (tomorrow) to enter by leaving a comment below.  I’ll announce the winners by the end of the day tomorrow.

Good luck!

And the Winners Are . . .

Congratulations to
April at http://www.noeplacespecial.blogspot.com
Jenifer at http://www.jmparris.blogspot.com
For winning our Chore-Card app giveaway.
Thanks to Eric over at appdads.com for sponsoring our contest, and be sure to visit http://www.itunes.apple.com/us/app/chore-cards/id510270097?mt=8 to pick up your own copy of this great household app that’s made our life a whole lot easier.