Category Archives: Heard Around the Hen House

Little Snippets of Humor Heard Along the Way

Heard Around the Hen House – Eden

So Eden rolled out of bed complaining this morning. The middle siblings had gone off with Daddy today, and Eden was lamenting about how she always misses the fun stuff with me when she goes with Daddy, but when she stays home, we don’t ever do anything fun.

Poor baby (with an exasperated sigh).

Later on when I told her we’d probably have peanut butter and jelly for lunch, her countenance fell again since this meant we probably couldn’t have cinnamon rolls for snack after such a sweet lunch.

(Of course the preferred response would be her jumping up and down with joy over the fact we’re having peanut butter and jelly for lunch.)

Later on, succumbing to her pity party I casually mentioned, “Well, maybe I could make grilled cheese and that way we could still have cinnamon rolls for snack.”

Eden: “I love grilled cheese.”
Me: “And I love you.”
Eden: “And I love you more than grilled cheese AND cinnamon rolls.”

Funny how one little sentence can make it all worthwhile!

May your weekend be filled with grilled cheese sandwiches, cinnamon rolls and the love of a child.

Heard Around the Hen House – Andres

So, I stuck my head out the door to make sure Noah hadn’t gone AWOL, and I see Andres over at the spigot.

Andres: “Don’t worry, Mom. I’m not playing with the water, I’m drowning ants.”

Mom: “Oh, okay.”

(Door shuts, mom ducks back inside. Two minutes later (sometimes my brain goes into the buffering mode when it comes to auditory stimulus).

(Door opens, mom sticks head out door)

Mom: “Andes, turn the water off.”

Andres: (With a sheepish “busted” look on his face) “Okay.”
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Winners will be announced Friday, February 8, 2013.