Tag Archives: bingo dauber printables

J is for Jug

I’m still catching up from last week when we had fun with Js.







Our bingo dauber J art from http://www.dltk-teach.com/t.asp?b=m&t=http://www.dltk-teach.com/alphabuddies/daubers/b-j.gif.  I’ve seen Noah progress so much on this activity.  A few months ago when we started doing these, I had to do a lot of hand-over-hand assistance with him, and he often missed the circles or applied so much pressure the ink pooled.  Now he is doing these totally independently and is getting every dot in progression.  This fine motor activity is setting the tracks for writing, and I’m making sure to have him begin each letter where he would if he were writing it.  It is so empowering to know that we don’t have to rely on occupational therapy appointments to address some of his special needs.  There really is so much we can do at home!!!